jn82’s Epic Adventure

Day 33 [3 Mar 09] – Toulouse

Posted in Toulouse by jn82 on March 3, 2009

After waking up really late this morning (~10.30am), we hung around the hotel for the rest of the morning and only headed out into the city for a walk around just before lunch. The kind hotel owner, Madamme Forest, had given us many recommendations of what to see and even a walking tour route to take, so all we had to do was to follow the map.

Toulouse city centre is a pretty small, and we managed to cover the outside of most of the major sites. The first place we went into was Capitole, the seat of the municipal administration in Toulouse. In particular, we only went in to see the Salle des Illustres which contained 19th century works of art.


Inside the Salle des Illustres.

The next place we walked into briefly was Couvent des Jacobins, another of the many European churches we have and will be going into.

Couvent des Jacobins.

Inside Couvent des Jacobins.

Toulouse also had a few bridges which are pretty nice. These are not massive suspension bridges like the ones in Porto, but much smaller structures which span across a river, La Garonne.

A newer bridge, Pont St-Pierre.

Older bridge, Pont Neuf.

The city is also know as “the pink city” (or something like that), because most of the old buildings in the city were not built with stone, but brick, giving the city a very pinkish colour from the brick.

“The Pink City”.

Not a very long day today, which is good because we still need the rest. Pretty excited about heading to the Airbus A380 factory tomorrow, but unfortunately no cameras are allowed, so there will be no pictures.

Pictures from today can be accessed here.

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